Principal's Statement
Parents and Community Members,
Welcome to the Dr. Albert M. Bean School!
The Bean School is a neighborhood school serving students in grades Pre-K through 5th grade. Our students receive daily instruction in all NJ Learning Standards, as well as weekly classes in library, art, music, physical education, and STEAM. All students in grades 1st – 5th grade are invited to take part in chorus and grades 4th and 5th are provided instrumental instruction.
Instructional practices are aligned with McREL International’s Classroom Instruction That Works. These strategies prepare students for the 21st century through cooperative learning, higher level questioning techniques and other research based instructional strategies. Our language arts literacy program utilizes Pearson’s Ready Gen Literacy program which is a balanced approach to reading and writing instruction that utilizes authentic texts with teacher modeling and teacher-directed activities to motivate readers. Our math curriculum uses enVisions 2.0 which promotes asking questions and trying multiple approaches to problem based learning. All students in grades 3rd – 5th are provided Chromebooks and classrooms k-2 have access to ample devices. Each classroom can take advantage of interactive SMART boards as well as document cameras. The technology class provides STEAM activities for students through the use of real life problem solving.
To help develop students socially, the Bean School has a Character Education program that focuses on six pillars. Trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship are all taught and recognized through the school. A focus on these pillars, along with the Olweus Anti-Bully program, helps to provide a safe and welcoming learning environment for all students.
Community and parent involvement is an essential component for student success and there are a variety of opportunities to become involved. Parents are encouraged to join and participate in the Bean School PTO, serve as a member of the School Site Council, a school based management group, and/or volunteer in the classroom. We encourage parent volunteers and prearranged visits are always welcome!
All the teachers and staff at the Bean School work together to create a positive, nurturing learning environment for our students. I invite you to learn more about our school and value any feedback you may have.
Dan Schuster